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Leading Teams

A Professional Development Workshop for Managers of Teams

About the Workshop

This is a one-day program for managers who lead teams. It builds on skills taught in the previous two programs (Leadership and the Middle Path and Leading One-to-One) and helps participants develop team leadership skills including how to…

  • Manage by mission

  • Develop a team charter

  • Understand psycho-dynamics on a team

  • Use the MP multi-dimensional integral model to assess a team

  • Diagnose and solve team problems

  • Develop a team

  • Plan and facilitate productive meetings

  • Use the S-loop problem-solving model in a team environment

  • Learn and apply a variety of useful models and tools for understanding and solving everyday problems on teams

As in previous programs, participants bring real-life situations/issues they are working on to the program. We apply the concepts, principles and frameworks taught in the class to those situations—we do that in class and then again, four- to six-weeks later, in follow-up practice sessions.

For more information about bringing this program to your organization, contact me today.

For more information about our leadership curriculum, visit this page

© 2024, Russ Powell Consulting, Inc.

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